/** SakiiR */

A Random CTF Player from Hexpresso

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[UIUCTF-2k17] RANDOM0 1v1

30 Apr 2017 |


Beat incertia in some classic CS:GO 1v1 or SC2 1v1 for a special chance to earn a totally useless amount of points.
Beating JP in chess or JP and I in bughouse nets you this flag as well.
Contact us on IRC.

Note: You need to own a copy of CS:GO or SC2. Play chess if you don't want to spend any money on this CTF.

Okay, You see that the goal is to beat Incertia on cs:go (because I suck at SC2 :p).

First thing I did is to check his steamprofile (US guy : http://steamcommunity.com/id/incertia/).

Mhhh 2000 hours on cs:go, I can do it ! I played over 5000hours ( if it’s not 10000h ^^ )

Contact him and beat him 16-8 on aim-ak47 (didn’t played since 6months). That is the point!

Thanks Incertia, cyaa!

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[UIUCTF-2k17] REV150 Taylor's Magical Flag Oracle

States: ``` We set up a service to check if you’ve found the correct flag for this challenge. It’d take 1.7*10^147 years to brute force, so don’t bother trying it.